Minyak atsiri, atau dikenal juga sebagai minyak eteris (aetheric oil), minyak esensial, minyak terbang, serta minyak aromatik, adalah kelompok besar minyak nabati yang berwujud cairan kental pada suhu ruang namun mudah menguap sehingga memberikan aroma yang khas. Minyak atsiri merupakan bahan dasar dari wangi-wangian atau minyak gosok (untuk pengobatan) alami. Di dalam perdagangan, sulingan minyak atsiri dikenal sebagai bibit minyak wangi.

Dapatkan berbagai informasi mengenai penjual dan pembeli minyak atsiri di indonesa dan di manca negara di sini.

Kamis, 02 September 2010

What is Candlenut oil (Minyak atsiri kemiri)

penjelasan mengenai minyak kemiri (Candlenut oil)

The candlenut is also called candleberry or Indian walnut.

The candlenut grows on a flowering tree that has pale green leaves. The nut contains a seed inside that has a very high oil content. It can be used as a candle. This is how the candlenut got it's name. The candlenut is popular in Indonesian and Malaysian food. It is used to make a sauce that is eaten over vegetables and rice. The candlenut is very bitter in taste. The nut is mildly toxic if eaten raw. In Hawaii, these nuts are made into a paste with salt. Parts of the candlenut plant have been used in traditional medicine. The oil of this nut is sometimes used as a laxative, simular to castor oil. The candlenut oil is also used as hot oil treatment for hair. In Japan, the bark of this tree is used for treating tumors. In Malaysia the leaves of the plant are boiled for tea to treat headaches, fever, ulcers, gonorrhea, and swollen joints. In Hawaii, the flowers and sap of the tree is used to treat oral al problems in children.

In Hawaii, the oil of the nut is burnedto provide light simular to a candle. This oil can burn for 15 minutes and is often used as a measure of time. The nuts are charred and made into an ink which is used for tattoos. The oil is also used as a varnish. A red-brown dye is made from the bark of the tree. The oil of the candlenut is used to help preserve fishing nets. The trunk of the candlenut tree is used to make canoes. The candlenut tree is the official state tree of Hawaii. In some parts of the world these nuts are made into a paste and used as soap or shampoo. When grown this tree is known to produce up to 180 pounds of nuts. The tree is a symbol of enlightment, peace, and protection.

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