Minyak atsiri, atau dikenal juga sebagai minyak eteris (aetheric oil), minyak esensial, minyak terbang, serta minyak aromatik, adalah kelompok besar minyak nabati yang berwujud cairan kental pada suhu ruang namun mudah menguap sehingga memberikan aroma yang khas. Minyak atsiri merupakan bahan dasar dari wangi-wangian atau minyak gosok (untuk pengobatan) alami. Di dalam perdagangan, sulingan minyak atsiri dikenal sebagai bibit minyak wangi.

Dapatkan berbagai informasi mengenai penjual dan pembeli minyak atsiri di indonesa dan di manca negara di sini.

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Tea Tree Essential Oil (Minyak pohon teh)

By Brenda Hyde

Tea Tree essential oil is an amazing oil that comes from the tea-tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), a small tree which grows in Australia. The oil is distilled from its leaves. It's nontoxic, antibacterial and antifungal. Tea tree oil has a rather heavy spicy woodsy scent. Essential oils are the "essence" or the concentrated oils from plants, flowers and herbs. They should be treated as seriously as you treat your prescription meds. Keep them away from children, use them carefully and with caution. I'm not saying these things to scare you away from their use! It's always better to be cautious when it comes to the medicinal use of anything herbal. You'll find SO much information online involving essential oils that it's hard to know what is correct. I never use essential oils internally, and always use a tiny amount when first trying a new oil. Essential oils should be diluted with water, lotions, shampoo, oils like almond or olive oil etc. Take it slow, and don't use guesswork at any time. Always ask questions, do research and be cautious.

Tea Tree oil can be used with lavender and eucalyptus oils in diffusers or sprays. You won't need much-1-3 drops in a vaporizer will help respiratory ailments. You can mix 10 drops of lavender, eucalyptus and rosemary, along with the tea tree oil into a dark glass bottle and use this. Again, you only need a couple of DROPS added to a vaporizer, or a cotton ball tucked in a pillow case. Essential oils are powerful!

Lavender is also one of my favorite oils and can be used often with tea tree oil. Try adding 5 drops of each to a couple of tablespoons of baking powder (mix well as you add the drops) and sprinkle it in your shoes-allow it to sit overnight and empty it out the next day before wearing. This will keep your shoes fresh and help rid them of any lurking bacteria. You can also add two drops of tea tree and two drops of lavender to 2 cups water to rinse injuries like skinned knees and other minor cuts. You'll find tea tree and lavender oils here.


I have found something wonderful. Tea Tree Oil! This has been around for some time now, however, I found a small bottle at Wal-Mart, which is 100% pure, for under $5.00! Although my family cries every time I use it, I find it to be extremely relaxing. I think it's one of those things you either love or hate. To me it has a menthol smell, my family says it smells like turpentine. I use it on my face, under my nose (for aromatherapy) on any bug bites, rashes, or cuts. I use it for just about anything. I love it and maybe some of your readers will also enjoy using it. ~Laura Askins

I was interested to see your reference to Tee Tree Oil. I never heard of it until my doctor (MD) recommended it for Toenail Fungus a couple years ago. You apply it once or twice a day and it works in about two weeks--more or less. There is a drug made for the fungus problem but as my doctor said it is very expensive. And it seems that Tea Tree Oil works just as well. And speaking about its "smell," I can't use it at night because my wife can't stand the smell! ~Paul Reibel (Thanks Paul---it IS great for feet fungus!)

There is also a shampoo made by Paul Mitchell that is Tea Tree Shampoo. My hairdresser told me that it's good for the kids to use during the school year because it seems to repel head lice. So far, it's worked for my children. It's a little expensive, but cheaper than the process of getting rid of the lice, not to mention the embarrassment of the child. ~Geri Huygen

Just letting people know who have children that tea tree oil added to a standard shampoo will keep head lice away. I have used it on my son and went through two bad cases at school and not once did he get it. ~Stephanie (Stephanie read about this in a book which recommended 12 drops of oil to every 8 ounces of shampoo.)

Tea Tree Oil should not be used without dilution! Most aromatherapists, and others in the realm of essential oils will not tell you this. However, using ANY essential oil undiluted, can increase the risk of becoming sensitized (or allergic) to this product. I am currently studying plants, essential oils, and aromatherapy, and thought you might want to advise your readers of this. I would hate to see anyone become sensitized to any essential oil. God gave us some wonderful healing herbs, plants and other things. However, man learned to distill and concentrate these oils from the plants. :) ~Candy Lucas

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