Minyak atsiri, atau dikenal juga sebagai minyak eteris (aetheric oil), minyak esensial, minyak terbang, serta minyak aromatik, adalah kelompok besar minyak nabati yang berwujud cairan kental pada suhu ruang namun mudah menguap sehingga memberikan aroma yang khas. Minyak atsiri merupakan bahan dasar dari wangi-wangian atau minyak gosok (untuk pengobatan) alami. Di dalam perdagangan, sulingan minyak atsiri dikenal sebagai bibit minyak wangi.

Dapatkan berbagai informasi mengenai penjual dan pembeli minyak atsiri di indonesa dan di manca negara di sini.

Rabu, 22 April 2009

Minyak atsiri bergamot (bergamot oil)

This tree is native to South East Asia, but was introduced to Europe, and particularly Italy and is also found in the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.

Bergamot oil is made from a tree that can grow up to four meters high, with star-shaped flowers and smooth leaves, bearing citrus fruit resembling a cross between an orange and a grapefruit, but in a pear-shape. The fruit ripens from green to yellow.

The oil is one of the most widely used in the perfumery and toiletry industry and forms, together with neroli and lavender, the main ingredient for the classical 4711 Eau-de-cologne fragrance. It is used to flavor Earl Grey tea.

The name is derived from the city Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, where the oil was first sold.

Bergamot oil can be used in the treatment of depression, stress, tension, fear, hysteria, infection (all types including skin), anorexia, psoriasis, eczema and general convalescence.

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